Shree Govardhan, Ahmedabad

Project Category: Architecture, Interior Design

Status: Built, Completed

Tenure: January 2018- January 2020

Total built-up space: 8000 sq. ft.

The residence is located in sub-urban area of Shilaj, Ahmedabad. The house is meant for a nuclear family. The home consists of 2 floors and a mid-level open terrace intended as leisure/party space.

The home responds to the site context of views on the east, west and northern side and has large openings. A garden and a terrace above on the east side creates a family zone for leisure activities. A double height entry on the northern side keeps it shaded through-out the day. Spaces with most movement are aligned to the north side, keeping them cool throughout the day in the extreme summers of Ahmedabad.

The massing of the house is envisaged as an assembly of two interlaced masses revealing themselves at various levels and planes in the exterior.
The home has a long linear east-west corridor in the centre connecting all the spaces of the house. Logically the house is divided into 3 zones: family spaces are on the left side facing garden, the public space is in the centre and the private areas are on the right side.