About AM works

AM works is a consultancy design studio which provides architecture and interior design services.

The studio was founded in 2017 by Chintan Tamboli and Nehal Tamboli joined in 2020 as the co-founder of the firm.

The perception of architecture and its experience is a very personal and emotional one; sometimes overwhelming. It is experienced by everyone on a daily basis without being subconsciously aware about it or the feelings one undergoes. These experiences almost become emotions for humans; and it becomes one with their living.

The studio work strives for creation of spaces which are – clean, minimal, with a reflection of the local culture, yet neutral enough to accommodate a universal design palette. The site context, climate, variety of materials and various forms combine together to create an architecture with the above characteristics. There is always an effort to bring nature inside the building or as close to it as possible; and obscure the boundaries between inside and outside.

The major principles of design – axis, symmetry, hierarchy, rhythm, repetition, proportion and transformation act as key guidelines in driving the design layouts prepared by us. The spaces are designed guided by the fundamentals of architecture i.e., light, space, transparency, materials and order.  Light is often used as an element to infuse a sense of visual lightness to the spaces, and a feeling of spirituality by creating a connection to the sky outside and above.

The office majorly works on projects where the architecture and interior design are conceived together; resulting in an inter-woven end product.

And we believe that – “it’s the idea that sells”.

Meet the team

“None of us is as strong as all of us”
– ken blanchard

Founder of Ahmedabad Matrix

Chintan Tamboli

Chintan Ashok Tamboli was born in 1977 in the walled city of Ahmedabad. He started his independent studio in December 2017. Apart from working in the studio, he is a visiting faculty at CEPT, Faculty of Design, Ahmedabad and SAL school of Architecture.

He did his schooling from St. Xavier’s, Ahmedabad, and was naturally inclined towards the art and design since early childhood. He completed his graduation (B. Arch) from M.S. University, Vadodara (1997-2002) and subsequently started working in Ahmedabad. His major work years were spent while working for Design Module, Ahmedabad (Dhaval Makhmalwala) between 2004 to 2016 as an associate architect.

Co-founder of Ahmedabad Matrix

Nehal Tamboli

Nehal Tamboli was born in 1986 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.She has completed her Diploma in Architecture from Polytechnic, Ahmedabad (2002-2005).Later she worked at Design Module (Dhaval makhmalwala) from 2006-19.

In her tenure of employment, she has been a great team leader and a non-replicable asset of the firm. She is a talented hardworking professional who has met project deadlines consistently. Since her joining in AM she has brought immense capacity to the table.
Nehal is one of the chirpiest people to work with.